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Reading in Kindergarten

Beginning the 3rd quarter of school, your child will begin bringing home a leveled reading book every night.  This book has already been read at school, so it may seem easy for your child at home.  That is okay.


It is crucial that your Kindergardener enjoys reading and does not view it as a chore or punishment.


Here are some tips that can help your child become a fluent reader:


* Let him pick out his own books.

        Just because he can't read words does not mean he can't read pictures!!  Besides, you can always read it to him.  :)


*Environmental Print

        Reading signs around town is a fun and educational way to help your child with letters and sounds.

        Environmental print also includes cereal boxes, candy wrappers, and even board games.

        Make a list when you go to the store.  Have your kids help you read what is needed.


*  Let her see you reading and enjoying novels, magazines, newspapers and even letters from friends/family.


*  Designate a space for reading.  

        Make a comfy, cozy place next to a window or in a quiet room where only people who are reading can sit.


* When your child finds a good book, encourage her to read it again and again


* Ask questions about what you just read to your child or what he just read to you.

        Ask Why?, What would you have done?, What do you think will happen next?


*  Make it a game

        Make some flash cards and give an extra five minutes of playtime for every word your child reads correctly

        Play hangman while waiting for dinner to cook

        Play the ABC game in the car when you're driving around the city


There are many other great strategies out there for helping your child become a super fantastic reader.  Just go to and type in "Reading Tips for Parents"

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